Are you renting your Panama Condo/House to 3rd parties?

We have designed a special program to cover your property and extend Liability coverage to your TENANTS.

First step, we recommend that you insure YOUR contents under a homeowner´s multirisk policy. This includes coverages for fire, theft, explosion, earthquake, hurricane/windstorm, flood, smoke, and water damages. The multi-risk also covers your electronic equipment ( % of the basic sum insured); theft ( % of the basic sum insured); break-in with forced entry and assault (up to $250.00 cash) inside or outside the premises.

This basic policy includes Personal General Liability Coverage up to $100,000.00. The protection also extends to damage caused to your neighbors from an incident originating in your residence. Fire/smoke damage and water leaks are covered.

If you are renting to third parties, we recommend that you request a “special endorsement” extending leaks Personal Liability coverage to these inquilinos(renters):

This special endorsement will extend coverage to the damages caused to third parties due to the renter’s negligence for which they are legally liable.
This special endorsement will also extend coverage to bodily injury that the renter may suffer or damages to the renter’s property due to the owner’s negligence for which the owner is legally liable.
Here is the official wording of the endorsement:
“De acuerdo con esta modificación la póliza se extendería a cubrir tanto los daños materiales o lesiones corporales que sufra el inquilino (imputables al asegurado/propietario) dentro de la propiedad y sus predios , así como los daños y lesiones corporales que pudiese ocasionar el inquilino a terceros”. (According to this modification, the policy would be extended to cover both material damage or bodily injury suffered by the tenant (attributable to the insured/owner) within the property and its premises, as well as damage and bodily injury that the tenant may cause to third parties).
If the renters wish to cover THEIR property, they must request a separate policy to protect personal items within your property.

For more information, contact:
Kevin = 6674-1063 cel/Whatsapp
Carmen = New Policies/quotes (Speaks/Writes perfect English) 6613-1063 cel/WhatsApp