Kevin Bradley

Kevin Bradley

Will my US/Canada Life Policy Pay?

The standard USA/Canada life insurance contract has only a few major exclusions. There are no geographical restrictions, but some companies may exclude death as a result of war, hazardous activity, failure to pay the premium or aviation. For the beneficiary to be paid, a valid certificate of death/proof of death and return of the original policy is all that is needed to receive the benefits.

Longevity in Panama?

Welcome to the Longevity Game! See how your lifestyle can affect you in the years to come by answering just 12 quick questions. Your expected age will show in the tabulator in the upper left corner. Keep in mind your answers may increase, decrease, or have no affect on your expected age.

New Traffic Law

With the help of several Spanish speakers, we have translated the original document for your convenience and not with the intention of interpreting or enforcing the law. We have also added our own comments in order to make the legal information easier to understand. This translation is not valid for legal purposes.

Cool FM Kevin & Gerry D

On the “The Breakfast Show” with my good friend Gerry D this morning! Click “Wednesday show” and listen. I come on around 40 minutes into the show. Good info about the new traffic law, auto insurance and condo coverage!

Fire in Shanghai Skyscraper!

Panama does not have the fire fighting capability to deal with a situation like this:

Here's Don Winner's take on the situation as it may apply to condos in Panama....he has researched this danger for many years:


Here is current information sent to me by a client about the procedures for an Expat to obtain a drivers license:

As a foreigner, you can drive in Panama legally for up to 90 days with a foreign drivers license. Stay longer than 90 days and you need to have a Panama drivers license. Follow the Procedure below. Expect all of this to take 2 days.
Documents Needed: