Kevin Bradley

Kevin Bradley

Panama Auto Title Change!

From my good friend, Bob Askew............

The auto title change process in Pma is a 3-step process:

Step 1 is a trip (buyer and seller go) to one of the Municipio offices (it's not DMV). The Municipio office in Balboa (old CZ) next to the Niko's Cafeteria is usually convenient and opens early (7 a.m. I think)

Most Dangerous Cars in America!

Some vehicles can survive car crashes and protect the occupants much better than others. To find out which motor vehicles perform best and which the worst, nonprofit group Insurance Institute for Highway Safety performed crash tests. IIHS, which is ?dedicated to reducing the frequency and consequences of crashes on U.S. roads,?

Quoting Panama Life Insurance!

In order to obtain a TENTATIVE quote for Panama Life Insurance, we will need your date of birth, do you smoke? How much $$$$ coverage do you need?

If the coverage is for a mortgage, we will also need $$$ amount and the term (# of years) of the loan.

With this basic information, we will be able to send a quote by email or telephone.

Quoting Panama Auto Insurance

In order to obtain a TENTATIVE quote for automobile insurance here in Panama, we will need the following information:

Make, model, year, current $$$ value of the vehicle, name, passport/cedula number, date of birth of the owner.
Do any of the driver's have a Panamanian driver's license? NEW CAR? If you have a proforma invoice....we can cover before you put the key in the ignition!

Panama Earthquake Assessment!

A study on the seismic risk of the western city of David, Panama, presented today by the Government and the World Bank, found that 35% of homes are vulnerable to an earthquake, and recommended a series of measures to minimize the impact of a possible natural disaster in the area.

How much Life Ins. do I need in Panama?

Dying in Panama can be a complicated process and few Expats are prepared for the unique problems that will arise. This is not an easy article for me to write. I been called upon to help families and loved ones collect life insurance proceeds and attend to the final expenses after the death of an Expat in our country.