Kevin Bradley

Kevin Bradley

Quoting “Structure” Fire Insurance in Panama!

Since we do not insure land, fire insurance is quoted for the "structure" based on the purchase price/appraisal or estimated reconstruction cost. Remember, in Panama we separate structure and contents policies.

The standard Panama "structure" fire insurance policy will usually include coverage for fire, explosion, lightning, earthquake, windstorm, debris removal, flood and water damage, common water damage, filtration and leaks, and other coverage.

Panama Burial at Sea!

This is an article written by Larry Shane, Acting Bocas Warden for the US Embassy in Panama:

You will die. Unfortunately, all of us, presently, do. You should choose the final arrangements for your body, in advance. This is not a burden you should leave to others to decide and handle for you. You likely have personal, religious, cultural, environmental, legal concerns regarding your disposal. Follow your concerns.


The insurance company ASSA announced Thursday the signing of an agreement to acquire 100 percent of the operations of American International Group (AIG) in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Panama.

Panama Auto Insurance

In Panama Auto policies, the "Liability" or "Responsabilidad Civil" portion protects you for damage that your car does to others…damage for which you are legally liable. This coverage pays for bodily injury that you may cause to other persons, as well as, legal defense, cost of bail bonds, and emergency first aid to others.