Beyond the Extra Step!

In December of 2003, I moved to Panama after many visits to this country in the previous two years. After witnessing the traffic in Panama City, I knew I needed automobile insurance before I ever considered getting under the wheel. I approached Kevin Bradley (who came with many high recommendations) regarding my insurance needs. He promptly took care of my needs with adequate coverage at the most competitive rates....

January 13. 2005

Grupo Central De Seguros
Centro Comercial
La Colmena, Calle 50
Apartado 7343
Zona 5, Panama

Attn: Kevin Bradley

Beyond The Extra Step,

In December of 2003, I moved to Panama after many visits to this country in the previous two years. After witnessing the traffic in Panama City, I knew I needed automobile insurance before I ever considered getting under the wheel. I approached Kevin Bradley (who came with many high recommendations) regarding my insurance needs. He promptly took care of my needs with adequate coverage at the most competitive rates….

This was a very wise decision, as within two weeks I was in my first accident. Kevin promptly took care of getting the claims paid and got my auto to a body shop to be repaired. The body shop did excellent work but did the work in a very slow manner. Kevin was involved from the accident to complete repair. He continually monitored and pressed the body shop to make the repairs in a timely fashion. Without his persistence, I don’t think the repairs would be done today.
In April of 2004, I was involved in another accident as a passenger of a driver that had resided in Panama for many years and was not insured by Kevin. Again, Kevin promptly got involved and helped to get claims processed and to see to my every need. This was clearly above and beyond the call of duty.
It is great to be able to come to a strange country and get this type of care and friendship. I would recommend Kevin Bradley for any insurance needs whether it is auto, health, or home. I have never made a recommendation of this type in my life but this was clearly beyond the extra step. Kevin will be the person that will handle all my insurance needs in the years to come.

Thanks Kevin,

Benny Reiger
Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA

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