Major collisions are when there are injuries, and the vehicles may not be driven: Report the accident to "Roadside emergency assistance" at 322-1080 (My clients). Request an ambulance or towing service if needed. Call Transito 104 or 511-9320. Take pics before moving the vehicles and request cedula, drivers license info of affected parties (Take a […]
Are you renting your Panama Condo/House to 3rd parties?
We have designed a special program to cover your property and extend Liability coverage to your TENANTS. First step, we recommend that you insure YOUR contents under a homeowner´s multirisk policy. This includes coverages for fire, theft, explosion, earthquake, hurricane/windstorm, flood, smoke, and water damages. The multi-risk also covers your electronic equipment ( % of […]
Panama has a wide range of business offices, from Financial Towers on 50th Street to strip malls. Medical, Financial Consulting, Legal, Real Estate, and Accounting firms need bricks and mortar. Whatever the industry, they all need commercial office insurance. Comprehensive Panama office insurance will be there for unexpected events in and around your office. Property […]
Fire Insurance policies for structures in the Republic of Panama are similar to those issued in the USA, Canada and Europe. The basic fire policy also includes extended coverage for occurrences other than fire. This may include damage from Explosion, Earthquake, Windstorm, Lightning, Smoke, Flood & Water damage, Falling Objects and Debris Removal after an […]
Proof of Auto Sale in Order to cancel your insurance!
Under the new ATTT Tansito guidelines and to comply with SOAT regulations, to CANCEL an auto insurance policy, there must be “proof of sale” for the insurance company to affect the cancellation. You must prove that a traspaso (transfer of Registro Unico) has been accomplished after the sale is completed. The insurance company will require […]
Linkedin post by Ariel Botello PUBLIC DISORDERS AND LOOTING: In these times of citizen tension, when unscrupulous people want to take advantage of what is not theirs, creating chaos and inciting the population to enter the private property by force, we share the applicable coverages and their definitions as they are of interest to them: […]
Under the new ATTT Tansito guidelines and to comply with SOAT regulations, to CANCEL an auto insurance policy, there must be “proof of sale” for the insurance company to affect the cancellation. You must prove that a traspaso (transfer of Registro Unico) has been accomplished after the sale is completed. The insurance company will require […]
PANAMA CITY. January 27, 2020. Decree No. 025 of August 1, 2019, amending the sanctions and fines applicable by the Mayor of Panama, continue in rigor, both in day and night shifts in order to guarantee public order, the state of peace and respect among the citizens of the capital commune. Roberto Araúz, assistant general […]
DUI penalties are severe here in Panama, even the "smell" of alcohol on your breath will provoke a fine. Roadside checks are common, especially during holiday weekends. If you fail a breathalyzer test with levels from 25 to 40 micrograms per deciliter, you will be penalized for driving with ""smell" of alcohol, With a level […]