My Blog

BlueCross & BlueShield in Panama?
Blue Cross & Blue Shield has affiliated themselves with Cia. Internacional de Seuros, S.A, a local Panama licensed insurance company. This relationship allows IS insureds to access the USA network of BC & BS. Here is the address of their international plans sorry, Spanish only:
Panama Health Insurance Update!
Excellent International Health Insurance coverage is available to protect you in the Republic of Panama. Injury or illness in a country far from home can be a very scary experience. If you are without proper health insurance or cannot demonstrate liquidity to a local hospital, it can be the difference between life and death. Expats..
Panama Insurance on COOL FM!
My good friend Gerry "D" has asked me to do a series of shows from his COOL FM studio. We will discuss different types of insurance available here in Panama. Click on the link below if you wish to hear our first effort:
Should I bring my car to Panama?
Here is a very comprehensive article that helps answer a frequent question I hear from clients moving to Panama:
ALWAYS wear your Seatbelt!
Embrace Life: The most effective PSA ad that I have ever seen!
Panama VA Benefits!
Here is an interesting exchange on the ExpatHealth Yahoo Group, between Craig Morrissey, Executive VP of Hospial Nacional and a veteran asking about VA Benefits in Panama:
Will my US/Canada Life Policy Pay?
The standard USA/Canada life insurance contract has only a few major exclusions. There are no geographical restrictions, but some companies may exclude death as a result of war, hazardous activity, failure to pay the premium or aviation. For the beneficiary to be paid, a valid certificate of death/proof of death and return of the original policy is all that is needed to receive the benefits.
Live Longer, Live Better!
Voyage into your body to see an amazing creation you're born with: the perfect cardiovascular system. A lifetime of poor health habits can destroy that system and lead to major medical problems and a shortened lifespan, but it doesn't have to be that way.
During a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) .she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.

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The purpose of this site is to guide you to the lowest rates, best coverage and most professional insurance service in Panama.

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No-Fault in Panama?
Local PPO!
PALIC Local Cancer Policy