Want to see your driving history? Do you have outstanding parking tickets? Check out: http://www.licencia.com.pa/historial/ Click on "istrucciones de uso" to see what info must be entered in each field!
Below is the law/article that regulates foreigners using a
drivers license other than Panamanian. It says that you may drive on your home
country license for 90 days....no extensions!
Below is the article/law that speaks of allowing vehicles to circulate
with a license plate from another country.
You may drive the vehicle for 90 days, but must obtain a special permit from ATTT.
Welcome to the Longevity Game! See how your lifestyle can affect you in the years to come by answering just 12 quick questions. Your expected age will show in the tabulator in the upper left corner. Keep in mind your answers may increase, decrease, or have no affect on your expected age.
With the help of several Spanish speakers, we have translated the original document for your convenience and not with the intention of interpreting or enforcing the law. We have also added our own comments in order to make the legal information easier to understand. This translation is not valid for legal purposes.
On the "The Breakfast Show" with my good friend Gerry D this morning! Click “Wednesday show” and listen. I come on around 40 minutes into the show. http://www.pbcpanama.com/breakfast/archiveweek.html Good info about the new traffic law, auto insurance and condo coverage!
I get many requests for information about Medicare and Tricare coverage here in Panama. Here is the latest info from the only hospital that seems to be accepting Tricare. Remember, Medicare is not valid in Panama! http://www.panama-guide.com/article.php/20101109135901743
Panama does not have the fire fighting capability to deal with a situation like this:
Here's Don Winner's take on the situation as it may apply to condos in Panama....he has researched this danger for many years:
Here is an article with many valuable resources posted to the LivinginCentralAmerica yahoo group:
Driving any type of vehicle to Central America?
Rainy season over, 'Snowbird' time is here.
Traveling soon to Central America?