BlueCross & BlueShield in Panama?

Blue Cross & Blue Shield has affiliated themselves with Cia. Internacional de Seuros, S.A, a local Panama licensed insurance company. This relationship allows IS insureds to access the USA network of BC & BS.

Here is the address of their international plans sorry, Spanish only:

Blue Cross & Blue Shield has affiliated themselves with Cia. Internacional de Seuros, S.A, a local Panama licensed insurance company. This relationship allows IS insureds to access the USA network of BC & BS.

Here is the address of their international plans sorry, Spanish only:

Here is the address of their Panama ONLY health insurance plans click the English link (Ingles).

My associate Carmen 322-1605 and Brenda West an IS executive, 206-4235 are standing by to answer specific questions.

Maximum Age to apply – 62 YEARS OLD. You must take and pass required exams/labs at your own expense $100.00+ See “Requisito Medicos” (NO refunds, if you fail to pass the exams)!

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