Category Automobile Insurance

Got Car Insurance?

As you probably know, in Panama all cars must have insurance in order to get the vehicle inspected, registered, and to obtain license plates. I bet the people in this video are happy they have insurance. At least in Panama we don't have to worry about snow and ice.

50 years of Workmanship?

"The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety conducted a unique crash test to demonstrate the advances in motor vehicle safety over the last 50 years. In this test, a 2009 Chevrolet Malibu and a 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air are both going 40 mph and the vehicles collide offset, driver side to driver side.


Here is current information sent to me by a client about the procedures for an Expat to obtain a drivers license:

As a foreigner, you can drive in Panama legally for up to 90 days with a foreign drivers license. Stay longer than 90 days and you need to have a Panama drivers license. Follow the Procedure below. Expect all of this to take 2 days.
Documents Needed: