Don’t use that cellphone pumping gas!
Shell Oil Safety Alert!
Here are some reasons why we don't allow cell phones in operating areas, propylene oxide handling and storage area, propane, gas and diesel refueling areas.
Shell Oil Safety Alert!
Here are some reasons why we don't allow cell phones in operating areas, propylene oxide handling and storage area, propane, gas and diesel refueling areas.
I get this question often and have been reluctant to give advice. It can be an easy process or a nightmare.....anything can happen after your favorite used vehicle arrives to Panama! Here is a great perspective:
Interesting article detailing fatalities by state, work lost and medical costs as a result of auto accidents:
From my good friend, Bob Askew............
The auto title change process in Pma is a 3-step process:
Step 1 is a trip (buyer and seller go) to one of the Municipio offices (it's not DMV). The Municipio office in Balboa (old CZ) next to the Niko's Cafeteria is usually convenient and opens early (7 a.m. I think)
In order to obtain a TENTATIVE quote for automobile insurance here in Panama, we will need the following information:
Make, model, year, current $$$ value of the vehicle, name, passport/cedula number, date of birth of the owner.
Do any of the driver's have a Panamanian driver's license? NEW CAR? If you have a proforma invoice....we can cover before you put the key in the ignition!
We can cover your new car before you put the key in the ignition! In order to issue an automobile insurance policy, we will need the following information:
According to Angel Reyes, III, of RB&R:
Texting while driving now kills more teenagers than driving while intoxicated. Over 3,000 teens died in 2013 while they tried to send a text message when they were behind the wheel of a car. Approximately 2,700 teenagers died as the result of driving while intoxicated.
Standing in the middle of the road under the blazing sun or in pouring rain, horns beeping, traffic backing up.......all because you have just had a collision on the streets of Panama! BE PREPARED!
In Panama Auto policies, the "Liability" or "Responsabilidad Civil" portion protects you for damage that your car does to others…damage for which you are legally liable. This coverage pays for bodily injury that you may cause to other persons, as well as, legal defense, cost of bail bonds, and emergency first aid to others.