Category Fire Insurance

Panama Public Disorder and Looting!

Panama Public Disorder insurance

Linkedin post by Ariel Botello PUBLIC DISORDERS AND LOOTING: In these times of citizen tension, when unscrupulous people want to take advantage of what is not theirs, creating chaos and inciting the population to enter the private property by force,…

Panama Fire Insurance for Structures

fire insurance for structures

Fire Insurance policies for structures in the Republic of Panama are similar to those issued in the USA, Canada and Europe. The basic fire policy also includes extended coverage for occurrences other than fire. This may include damage from Explosion, Earthquake, Windstorm, Lightning, Smoke, Flood & Water damage,

Panama Homeowners/Contents Multi-risk Coverage

This could happen to you:


Panama has very reasonable Homeowners protection to cover the contents of your residence for Fire, Theft, Liability. We insure the building and the contents under separate policies.

Pet Insurance in Panama?

In UnityDucruet, we may cover your pet for medical services/treatment due to an accident.

If you purchase a multi-risk contents policy for your condo or house, the pets are covered for Vet services (including surgery), medication and hospital expenses up to $1,000. These expenses must be incurred as a result of an accident to the pet while inside the insured residence. Coverage is also available for pets involved in automobile related accidents.

Purchasing a SAFE in Panama!

There are simple residential safes that are made with solid iron with electronic or mechanical locks. They offer a low level of security for intruders, but a high level of security for house-based employees; these are not fire resistant whatsoever. These are not easy to open in a non-violent manner and are resistant to simple manual tools such as hammers and chisels depending on the quality of the safe.

Does my Panama Fire Policy Cover “Windstorm”?

With the recent occurrence of a large "Waterspout" in the vicinity of Punta Paitilla/Pacifica on Christmas Day, I have been asked to express an opinion about the coverage available in the average Panama Fire policy. Driving down Via Brazil that afternoon, I couldn't believe my eyes as I witnessed this "monster" move near Paitilla.

Panama Flood Insurance

It is important that you check your fire insurance policy to make sure that is contains coverage for flood and water damage.

Fire Insurance policies for structures in the Republic of Panama are similar to those issued in the USA, Canada and Europe. The basic fire policy usually includes "extended coverage" for occurrences other than fire.

Are you renting your Panama Condo/House to 3rd parties?

Here in Ducruet, we have designed a special program to cover your property and extend certain coverage to your TENANTS.

First of all, we recommend that you insure YOUR contents under a homeowner´s multirisk policy. This policy will include coverage for fire, theft, explosion, earthquake, hurricane/windstorm, flood, smoke and water damages.