Category General Panama Info

Panama Office Insurance?

Panama Office Insurance - Kevin Bradlye insurance broker in Panama

Panama has a wide range of business offices, from Financial Towers on 50th Street to strip malls. Medical, Financial Consulting, Legal, Real Estate, and Accounting firms need bricks and mortar. Whatever the industry, they all need commercial office insurance. Comprehensive…

Panama Cousular Information Sheet on Panama

MEDICAL FACILITIES AND HEALTH INFORMATION: Although Panama City has some very good hospitals and clinics; medical facilities outside of the capital are limited. When making a decision regarding health insurance, Americans should consider that many foreign doctors and hospitals require payment in cash prior to providing service and that a medical evacuation to the U.S. may cost well in excess of $50,000.

Hurricane In The Carib

Golfers, pilots, ships at sea - check this out! Man I'm glad we're here in Panama and don't have to worry about hurricanes.

By the way, windstorm coverage is STANDARD on fire policies issued in Panama........give me call for all of your insurance needs.

Kevin 322-1603 or Carmen 322-1605

Expat Avoids “Express Kidnapping” Attempt

Good article from PG "Be aware of your surroundings"!

DON WINNER for - I received the following today from Kristin (snip). She narrowly avoided becoming the next victim of an "express kidnapping" in Panama City just yesterday afternoon. While playing poker at the Veneto last night I was told of yet another expat who wasn't so lucky as Kristin.

Panama Insurance Industry Grows

From La Prensa:

Insurance industry sees sustained growth

The insurance industry pushed upward in in July, registering a growth rate much higher than during the first few months of the year.
The volume of new premiums that month totaled $78 million, an increase of 22 percent compared to July 2008, according to information collected by the Superintendency of

Longevity in Panama?

Welcome to the Longevity Game! See how your lifestyle can affect you in the years to come by answering just 12 quick questions. Your expected age will show in the tabulator in the upper left corner. Keep in mind your answers may increase, decrease, or have no affect on your expected age.

Panama Insurance Forms!

Another bureaucratic step to obtain insurance coverage here in Panama. According to the new Panama financial regulations, all insurance companies are compelled to maintain basic information in their files about their personal or corporate customers to prevent use of insurance policies to launder $$$.

Panama Burial at Sea!

This is an article written by Larry Shane, Acting Bocas Warden for the US Embassy in Panama:

You will die. Unfortunately, all of us, presently, do. You should choose the final arrangements for your body, in advance. This is not a burden you should leave to others to decide and handle for you. You likely have personal, religious, cultural, environmental, legal concerns regarding your disposal. Follow your concerns.