Category Testimonials

Beyond the Extra Step!

In December of 2003, I moved to Panama after many visits to this country in the previous two years. After witnessing the traffic in Panama City, I knew I needed automobile insurance before I ever considered getting under the wheel. I approached Kevin Bradley (who came with many high recommendations) regarding my insurance needs. He promptly took care of my needs with adequate coverage at the most competitive rates....

BUPA saved his leg!

This is Dave and Micheline Fallis. We were the ones calling you from Canada, to find out how to get our B.U.P.A. going. Dave was the guy with the leg infection so bad,that they thought that they were going to amputate.

Kevin’s Emergency Operation!

Late in May 2006, after a delicious meal at a well known restaurant in Casco Viejo, I went home to a restless night's sleep and some stomach discomfort. By morning, a distinct pain had developed similar to the "upset stomach" I had experienced occasionally after a spicy meal.

A Difficult Panama Auto Claim!

The following is a very nice letter written by my good friend/client Bud Huber of Boquete. With auto claims in Panama, if something can go wrong it will and it will happen to you.... Buy your insurance from a licensed Panama insurance broker and make sure they help when you have a claim!

“Painless Panama Auto Claim”?

Carmen and Kevin,

I want to thank you for your help regarding the accident I had in Chitre in July of this year.

With your help and the excellent service of the insurance company I had absolutely no problem regarding this accident.

I had to go to a hearing before a Judge as to fault ( this is the procedure in Panama I understand ) and was treated very well and did not feel ill at ease being a "gringo".