Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version Panama Fire Ins. How to Apply?

In Panama, we separate coverage for "Structure" and "Contents". In order to apply for structure coverage we need:

1. $$$ value of structure (not including land). A recent "avaluo" (appraisal) or pics will help.
2. Name of insured (Owner)? Is the policy to be issued in your name or that of a Corp. or Foundation?

In Panama, we separate coverage for “Structure” and “Contents”. In order to apply for structure coverage we need:

1. $$$ value of structure (not including land). A recent “avaluo” (appraisal) or pics will help.
2. Name of insured (Owner)? Is the policy to be issued in your name or that of a Corp. or Foundation?
3. Exact address and type of Construction (Cement or Wood)? Rates differ by location (City, Beach, Island or Mountain?)
4. What is the proximity of the property to the ocean or a river?
5. Copy of your Passport or ID of the legal Representative + RUC# (Corp. or Foundation)
6. Tel#, Cel#, email address?

¨Persona Natural¨ form (if property is in your name) or Persona Juridica form (completed by legal rep. of Corp.). This is an “anti money laundering” form required for every Panama policy with over $300 premium (more bureaucratic BS that must be kept on file in our office) Fill in the sections identified as ¨Datos Generales¨ and ¨Datos Ocupacionales¨ and sign where it says ¨Firma del Cliente¨. We will be glad to help you complete in the form.

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