Flood in my apartment!

After a rare night out until 1 AM, I came home to a flooded apartment! The small plastic tube feeding the toilet water tank had sprung a leak affecting my bathroom, bedroom, kitchen and laundry. After closing the main water valve to my apartment, I got to work mopping the floors enough to get by until morning. What a dilemma, but I was too tired to do anything at 2am!

A few years back, after a rare night out until 1 AM, I came home to a flooded apartment! The small plastic tube feeding the toilet water tank had sprung a leak affecting my bathroom, bedroom, kitchen and laundry. After closing the main water valve to my apartment, I got to work mopping the floors enough to get by until morning. What a dilemma, but I was too tired to do anything at 2am!

Drifting off to sleep, I remembered that I not only sell but own a Multi-risk contents policy.  I called the emergency assistance tel# at first light. The policy has coverage for emergency plumbing, electrical, locksmith etc. A plumber was in my apartment within 2 hours and the leak was repaired. The only cost to me was the generous tip I gave for showing up on Sunday morning and helping me dry my out apt.

I have a $20,000 comprehensive multi-risk contents policy.

The annual premium is a little over $100/year

If you wish to have a quote for this type of coverage for your home/apartment….email


Call Kevin +507-6674-1063  Carmen +507-6613-1063

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