Is a Panama “Waterspout” and “Windstorm” covered?

With the occurrence of a large "Waterspout" in the vicinity of Punta Paitilla/Pacifica on Christmas Day several years ago, I was asked to express an opinion about the coverage available in the average Panama Fire policy.

With the occurrence of a large “Waterspout” in the vicinity of Punta Paitilla/Pacifica on Christmas Day several years ago, I was asked to express an opinion about the coverage available in the average Panama Fire policy.

If your policy has “extended coverage”, the “windstorm” optional risk should pay for damages caused by wind (vendaval), Hurricane (Huracan), Tornado, or Waterspout (Tromba Marina). Driving down Via Brazil that afternoon, I couldn’t believe my eyes as I witnessed the”monster” move near Paitilla, see the collection of pics below taken by Mike Horrell.

Here are some pics of that incident:

For all coverage to protect your property call Carmen 322-1605 or call Kevin 6674-1063

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