Panama Auto Ins. How to Apply?

We can cover your new car before you put the key in the ignition! In order to issue an automobile insurance policy, we will need the following information:

We can cover your new car before you put the key in the ignition! In order to issue an automobile insurance policy, we will need the following information:

1. Year, make, model and $$$ value of vehicle-if you wish full coverage (Proforma Invoice helps).
2. Name of insured (Owner) and additional drivers? Is the policy to be issued in your name or that of a Corp. or Foundation?
3. Car registration, Copy of Passport, Ced, Divers license and residence address.
4. Tel #, Cel#, email address?
5. Vehicle inspection (at our office or ins. company), if it is a used auto. No inspection necessary if vehicle is new.

¨Persona Natural¨ form (if property is in your name) or Persona Juridica form (completed by legal rep. of Corp.). This is an “anti money laundering” form required for every Panama policy with over $300 premium (more bureaucratic BS that must be kept on file in our office) Fill in the sections identified as ¨Datos Generales¨ and ¨Datos Ocupacionales¨ and sign where it says ¨Firma del Cliente¨. We will be glad to help you complete in the form.

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