Panama Breakin/Robbery coverage?

Here is an extract describing coverage available from a large multinational insurer here in Panama. The coverage is available within a multirisk comprehensive homeowners policy at a very competitive rate:

Here is an extract describing coverage available from a large multinational insurer here in Panama. The coverage is available within a multirisk comprehensive homeowners policy at a very competitive rate:

Robbery with forced entry or/and assault inside the residence (for general contents) 100% of the sum insured
Robbery with forced entry or/and assault inside the residence (for cash) 5% of the sum insured. max $300.00
Robbery with forced entry or/and assault inside the residence (for jewelry and watches) 15% of the sum insured, max $3,000.00
Robbery with forced entry in secondary buildings (guest house, warehouse, de) 3% of the sum insured
Stolen credit cards (applis only for the main insured) max $250.00
Assault outside the residence (for personal effects) max $1,000.00 (limites to $250.00 for cash

Call Carmen 322-1605 or email for a quote…..

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