Panama Comprehensive Office Insurance

Panama has a wide range of different businesses, from Financial Consulting, Legal, Real Estate and Accounting firms to personal/private located in offices across the country. Whatever the industry, they all have one thing in common—the need for commercial office insurance.

Panama has a wide range of different businesses, from Financial Consulting, Legal, Real Estate, and Accounting firms to personal/private located in offices across the country. Whatever the industry, they all have one thing in common—the need for commercial office insurance. Panama Comprehensive Panama office insurance protects you from unexpected events that happen in and around your office every day.

Property coverage protects your business and office equipment from loss due to fire, theft, explosion, earthquake, water damage, smoke, and even looting/civil unrest. Additional risks covered include electronic equipment (in or out of the office), breakage of glass, and damage/loss to property belonging to third parties. There are even provisions for temporary relocation and business interruption expenses.

Theft/burglary coverage includes robbery of equipment, office furniture, and assault inside and outside of the office with limited overage for the safe and petty cash. Damage done to the building, as a result of the forced entry, is also covered.

Did a water leak initiate in your office and damage your neighbors? Premises and operations comprehensive liability provide protection against claims resulting from personal injury or property damage to clients or other third parties up to $100,000. There are special provisions for fire legal liability, owners and tenants CL, elevator CL and coverage for third-party medical expenses.

Additional benefits may include emergency locksmith and ambulance service.

The rates for this coverage can be surprisingly low. For a basic $10,000 office contents policy, the premium is approx. $100/YEAR!

We are standing by to quote!

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