Panama Health Insurance

Below you will find a web page describing several local health insurance plans that I believe are acceptable. You should know that local companies change rates and coverage often, so please don't hold me to these as chiseled in stone. Be very careful of "coverage" sold by local hospitals, they are not insurance contracts and these "agreements" may change at the whim of the hospital. They are woefully inadequate for any serious condition and most will only pay up to $15,000 lifetime. Remember, most intensive care facilities are $800.00/day. MORE...

An automobile accident or sudden serious illness such as a stroke/heart attack could put you in a precarious financial emergency. While a doctor’s office visit may be less than $50 and routine lab work/medicine are reasonable in Panama, an operation + surgeon’s fees and prolonged confinement to an intensive care facility ($900/day) could quickly surpass $50,000.

Most Local Health Plans issued by Panama Companies plans have a “cut-off” age at which they will accept an application, usually age 62.  You must be in good health with a minimum of preexisting medications to qualify.  You will also have to pay for and pass medical exams and lab work to obtain coverage.

Most of these Local policies have limitations requiring treatment in their network of Doctors and hospitals. Benefits reduce at certain ages and the PPO’s have very strict underwriting requirements. It has been my experience that serious preexisting conditions will trigger a rejection of coverage in many cases. You must be a resident of Panama to obtain this coverage. Once you leave Panama for residence in another country, your coverage terminates. As an expatriate or new resident of Panama, you will be required to take certain lab tests to prove your insurability. These exams are routine and the upfront cost can be expensive $150.00 and extra for men because a PSA is required.

You should know that local companies change rates and coverage often.  Be very careful of “coverage” and “plans” sold by local hospitals, they are NOT insurance contracts, and these “agreements” may change at the whim of the hospital. They are woefully inadequate for any serious condition and most will only pay up to $15,000 lifetime. Remember, most intensive care facilities are $900.00/day.

I do business with ALL companies offering Local hospital insurance coverage in Panama. If you wish to see examples of other plans, including international health insurance, call Carmen 6613-1063, Kevin 6674-1063 or email:

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