Panama Parking Violations

PANAMA CITY. January 27, 2020. Decree No. 025 of August 1, 2019, amending the sanctions and fines applicable by the Mayor of Panama, continue in rigor, both in day and night shifts in order to guarantee public order, the state of peace and respect among the citizens of the capital commune.

Roberto Araúz, assistant general of the Department of Legal Inspection and Julio Quiñones, compliance officer, disclosed that penalties and fines for poorly parked drivers are established from the B/. 500.00 to 2,000 balboas, after the weekend circulated on social media the image of a van parked on a revitalized sidewalk in the Area of Via Argentina and a fine of 2,000 balboas, was imposed on the driver of the vehicle.

Fines are as follows:

B/. 500.00 for parking cars on common sidewalks, sidewalks, islets, road remnants, parks, squares, garden or any public space within the capital district.
B/. 1,000.00 for parking on sidewalk of stops, pay areas, passenger stations or areas adjacent to such areas for Metrobus service.
B/. 1,000.00 for parking on the sidewalk of terminals, passenger stations, interchanges or areas adjacent to these areas intended for the service of the Panama Metro lines.
B/. 2,000.00 for parking on the sidewalk, sidewalk, green area or any public space that is part of a revitalization project implemented by the Mayor of Panama.

We make it public knowledge that after such a sanction has been imposed, the taxpayer has five working days to file with the Directorate of Legal and Justice of the Municipality of Panama his reconsideration. The person must bring a letter addressed to Mayor José Luis Fábrega and stating the valid arguments for the fine to be released or held. On the part of the Mayor’ Office, you will have 30 working days to issue a response to the taxpayer.

If the fine is maintained, the person who committed the violation should approach the Account and Payment office, where a payment arrangement method is applied to the taxpayer.

Both Araúz and Quiñones called on citizens to avoid these fines and ask people to park in areas that are prohibited, not to violate municipal public order rules.