Quoting “Structure” Fire Insurance in Panama!

Since we do not insure land, fire insurance is quoted for the "structure" based on the purchase price/appraisal or estimated reconstruction cost. Remember, in Panama we separate structure and contents policies.

The standard Panama "structure" fire insurance policy will usually include coverage for fire, explosion, lightning, earthquake, windstorm, debris removal, flood and water damage, common water damage, filtration and leaks, and other coverage.

Since we do not insure land, fire insurance is quoted for the “structure” based on the purchase price/appraisal or estimated reconstruction cost. Remember, in Panama we separate structure and contents policies.

The standard Panama “structure” fire insurance policy will usually include coverage for fire, explosion, lightning, earthquake, windstorm, debris removal, flood and water damage, common water damage, filtration and leaks, and other coverage.

In order to obtain a TENTATIVE quote for structure coverage we need:

1. $$$ value of structure (not including land). A recent “avaluo” (appraisal) and pics will help.
2. Name of insured (Owner)? Is the policy to be issued in your name or that of a Corp. or Foundation?
3. Exact address, street and town (name of Condo/Building and apt #). Type of Construction (Cement or Wood)? Rates differ by location (City, Beach, Island or Mountain?)
4. What is the proximity of the property to the ocean or a river?

With this basic information, we should be able to send you an estimate by email or telephone……322-1605, 322,1612

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