Roadside assistance works!

Buenos Dias Kevin, Carmen, and Rosita,

Dan and I wish to extend our heartfelt THANKS to all of you for helping us through the incident with the crazy lady at Price Smart who accused us of hitting her car. Kevin, you went way out of your way to assist us by coming to our aide in person. And Carmen and Rosita, your prompt response to my frantic phone call with policy number information was also greatly appreciated.

Buenos Dias Kevin, Carmen, and Rosita,

Dan and I wish to extend our heartfelt THANKS to all of you for helping us through the incident with the crazy lady at Price Smart who accused us of hitting her car. Kevin, you went way out of your way to assist us by coming to our aide in person. And Carmen and Rosita, your prompt response to my frantic phone call with policy number information was also greatly appreciated. And will you all please convey to Giovanni our “thanks” for staying with us throughout the whole ordeal? Additionally, please do tell Giovanni’s employer that this young man is extremely professional, competent, and courteous.


Kevin, as you told us, there is justice in Panama. The police officer who came to investigate the situation was also very professional and saw through the crazy woman’s allegations and put an end to the discussion and her accusation! When she saw that she may be the one to be cited for the accident, she agreed to move her car to assess the damage. Ironically, her car was undamaged when it was finally moved! I guess she just felt the need to blame someone else for her bad driving and was taking advantage of our language limitations. Again, justice is justice …. in any language and in any country. It’s nice to see it working.

Kevin, Dan posted a public “thank you” to you on the Yahoo Panama Forum, Americans in Panama (AIP). To all of you, Feliz Navidad y Prospero Nuevo Ano!

Dan and Lynda Terry

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