Should I bring my car to Panama?
Here is a very comprehensive article that helps answer a frequent question I hear from clients moving to Panama:
Here is a very comprehensive article that helps answer a frequent question I hear from clients moving to Panama:
Embrace Life: The most effective PSA ad that I have ever seen!
Want to see your driving history? Do you have outstanding parking tickets? Check out: Click on “istrucciones de uso” to see what info must be entered in each field!
Below is the law/article that regulates foreigners using a
drivers license other than Panamanian. It says that you may drive on your home
country license for 90 extensions!
Below is the article/law that speaks of allowing vehicles to circulate
with a license plate from another country.
You may drive the vehicle for 90 days, but must obtain a special permit from ATTT.
Here is an article with many valuable resources posted to the LivinginCentralAmerica yahoo group:
Driving any type of vehicle to Central America?
Rainy season over, 'Snowbird' time is here.
Traveling soon to Central America?
Here is current information sent to me by a client about the procedures for an Expat to obtain a drivers license:
As a foreigner, you can drive in Panama legally for up to 90 days with a foreign drivers license. Stay longer than 90 days and you need to have a Panama drivers license. Follow the Procedure below. Expect all of this to take 2 days.
Documents Needed:
Shell Oil Safety Alert!
Here are some reasons why we don't allow cell phones in operating areas, propylene oxide handling and storage area, propane, gas and diesel refueling areas.
I get this question often and have been reluctant to give advice. It can be an easy process or a nightmare.....anything can happen after your favorite used vehicle arrives to Panama! Here is a great perspective:
Interesting article detailing fatalities by state, work lost and medical costs as a result of auto accidents: